Rugby Trophies |Maintaining Your Tokens of Victory

Preserving Victory: Tips for Schools on Displaying and Maintaining Rugby Trophies

Many of South Africa’s sporting giants began showing their greatness when they attended scholastic institutions, with their tokens of achievement still being proudly displayed to encourage future sports stars. In this article, we at Trophy and Medal Boutique would like to share some tips on how your school can best display and maintain rugby trophies.

Why Display Rugby Trophies?

After the thrill of victory, showcasing your rugby trophies is the next best thing, and there is no better way to foster camaraderie than by sharing a team’s achievements. Before deciding on the type of cabinet, we would suggest that you organise your school’s existing sports trophies first, especially if their achievements have led to an extensive collection. However, this comes with a difficult decision: what stays and what needs to be wrapped and archived? After all, the trophies won speak of hard-earned rugby triumphs from when your school opened its doors.

By selecting to house your trophies in a display case, you are preserving your school’s sporting history for future generations of students, teachers, and parents. A visually appealing and unique trophy case presentation contributes to a lasting impression and keeps the contents within from damage and deterioration.

Don’t Clutter Your Trophy Case

To make the most of your trophy display case, carefully consider placement. What you don’t want is to clutter the shelves, making it impossible to see each trophy won.

  • Position the largest trophy in the centre for maximum visibility.
  • Group similar accolades together, such as “Man of the Match” awards, and in odd numbers, as this holds more visual appeal.
  • Group three small- to medium-sized trophies on one shelf with a larger one positioned above or below.
  • If preferred, organise your trophies by height. Place the tallest ones towards the back of the shelf and progressively bring the smallest ones to the front. For a display that packs a punch, vary the heights for a more striking effect.
  • Chronologically displaying trophies is another option, giving those who gaze upon them a glimpse into the past.

View the Placed Trophies from All Sides

Examine the display from various perspectives. Should one side be more striking, rather position the trophies in the front, creating a more captivating centrepiece. You can also include individual rugby medals won or a framed photograph of your team to break up the arrangement of the trophies. If you want your trophies to be the focal point while others navigate the corridors, consider integrating LED lighting to put the spotlight on each one.

Trophies tell a story of great sporting achievements from a bygone era, and as such, keeping them securely maintained in a display case for future generations is the best way of preserving this segment of history. Let us at Trophy and Medal Boutique be a part of your school’s history by providing you with bespoke rugby trophies. To learn more about custom wooden trophies or medals for individual achievements, contact us today.