Why We Use Trophies?

Why Do We Use Trophies?

Trophies signify accomplishment whether sporting or academic. Where the ancient Greeks gave out laurel wreaths during the first Olympic Games, we now give out an engraved trophy to our rising stars. The first recorded trophies handed out were for horse racing and date as far back as 1559, when Queen Elizabeth I handed out the Carlisle Bells. Chalices were awarded at sporting events in the late 1600s and were traditionally made out of silver. The chalices of yesteryear formed the design in a trophy cup that is awarded today in events, such as Men’s Wimbledon, Davis Cup, Stanley Cup, and the World Rugby Cup to name a few.

But why do we use trophies?

Trophies – Lasting Proof of Success and Achievement

The ultimate thrill in taking part in any sporting event is the trophy. There is nothing like the sense of pride and achievement that is generated by receiving one knowing that the long hours that you spent training and exercising have paid off. Recognising a reward for hard work and dedication is what Trophy and Medal Boutique specialise in, creating permanent memories of achievements that should be displayed. Rewarding participation is equally important as it is a way of showing future sporting greats that their efforts are valued, giving them the boost that they need in order to perform better.

Bragging Rights

Every parent loves to brag about their child’s sporting achievements. After all, they take centre stage on the mantel. The trophies are lined up for all to see. From cricket to hockey, netball, and rugby, they are the centre of pride and, of course, gloating from the proud parents.

At Trophy and Medal Boutique, we are proud to be part of your child’s sporting aptitude by supplying schools with various quality trophies made to last. When you become a parent, it will be your turn to show your children the trophies that you acquired during your sporting career, thereby continuing the bragging rights.

Sporting Giants that Live on Through Recognition

Did you know that the famous baseball player Babe Ruth flew from the minor leagues to the major leagues due to his prowess on the baseball field? If he did not receive the recognition, the sport would be all that poorer by not having experienced an athlete like him. In order to honour him, a trophy was made to give out to the major league baseball player with the best performance in the post season in the form of the coveted Babe Ruth Award.

Whether it is first, second, third, or participation achievement, we at Trophy and Medal Boutique have a range of trophies in unique designs that will showcase specific sporting accomplishments. Since opening our doors in 1989, we have made it our goal to provide quality products at reasonable prices. Acknowledging your accomplishments with you is our biggest success story.

Contact us today.